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Level Up Your Mental Health

Embark on a Journey of Self-Discovery and Healing with Your Personal Mental Health Ally in Discord

Chat with Companions

Chill, game, and sort your head out

Don't just play the game—win it

From NPC to Main Character: Take Control of Your Story.

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Click to Invite

Hit the invite link. It’s like opening a portal right to your server.

Authorize Access

Give the green light for the bot to join your server.

Personalised Outreach

Work is is changing faster than at any other time in history.

Set Your Server

Just @mention your bot or hit up its DM.

We Bring 12 Unquie Companions to Serve You

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Gaming-Integrated Therapy

Play and Heal: Seamless mental health support without pausing your game.
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Conversational Companions

Talk Your Way: Voice chat with a variety of companions about anything on your mind.
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Interactive and Engaging

Beyond Traditional Therapy: A dynamic approach that keeps you engaged and motivated.
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Variety of Support Options

Your Choice: Multiple companions mean finding the right support for you..

We all need some guidance on our life's quest

Unlocking Your Path.

Discover the roadmap to your personal goals and aspirations.

  • Setting Quest Objectives
    Identify your goals and break them down into manageable missions, making your aspirations achievable.
  • Mastering Quests
    Learn how to tackle the unexpected challenges life throws your way, turning obstacles into opportunities.
  • Achievement Tracking
    Keep tabs on your progress with a system that celebrates your victories, no matter how small.
Testimonial 01
"There's a reason why we love playing video games so much. They bring excitement and joy to our lives. But what if we could use that same excitement and joy to help us improve our mental health?"
We are gamers, not boomers - gonna be ok, Gaming

Game of Life: Path to Leveling Up

Embark on Your Journey

Start your adventure with a clear vision. Define your main quest and set out on the path to achievement

Gathering Your Gear

No hero heads into battle unprepared. Identify the skills and tools you need to conquer the challenges ahead.

Do you have student or non-profit discounts?

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Finding Your Group

Behind every great gamer is a loyal party. Surround yourself with allies who complement your strengths and support your goals.

Boss Fights Ahead

Face life's bosses with confidence. Learn the tactics to overcome obstacles and emerge victorious

Leveling Up

Every experience, whether a win or a loss, offers valuable XP. Use it to level up your skills, resilience, and wisdom

Beat the Game of Life.